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Home School Communication


As a school, we use a home/school communication app called Seesaw, which provides you with updates and photos of what your child has achieved during the week. You will also use this to communicate with your class teacher. 

At North Ridge Community School we value sharing communication with parents and carers. In order for this to be maintained we encourage all parents and carers to communicate to class teachers via Seesaw on a daily basis. Seesaw is only for Parents and carers with Parental responsibilities. Please contact your child’s class teacher and they can answer any questions and offer support.

North Ridge will use Seesaw daily to:
  • Give a brief overview of learning
  • Any ‘Wow’ moments
  • Administration of medication (if required)
  • Bowel Movement (if required)
  • Postural Management (if required)
  • Feeding information (if required)
  • Upload one piece of learning (video, picture or work) per week.

Teachers will contact parents/carers via phone to discuss any issues.

The benefits of Seesaw: 
  • Includes families in the learning process by providing easy to access, immediate updates, built-in translation tools, and an opportunity to comment on your child's work. 
  • Safe online platform for teachers to celebrate pupils' work and facilitate strong connections between teachers and parents/carers. 
  • Seesaw can be used on a computer, tablet or phone. 
  • Easy to use for students, teachers and parents/ carers.
  • Increases family engagement and communication. 

Parents guide to Seesaw 

Please can parents and carers be aware that teachers will only be looking at Seesaw messages during working hours. Should parents have any issues or concerns, please contact school via telephone.